Verlengde Hereweg 36,   9722 AD Groningen, NL  
Tel. +31 (0) 50 526 23 31,   Mobile +31 (0) 6 524 217 31,   Fax. +31 (0) 50 526 56 15
Bankaccount nr. 341069426,   KvK Groningen 02078457,


face questions in the veterinarian field. They might not have te answer.
Chain managers
struggle to draw back animal diseases, certain Salmanella strains, excessive use of medications, residues, antibiotic resistance, or high levels of condemnations at the slaughter line. So far, the chosen approach was perhaps not successful.
►ChickenChain (No-cure-no-pay might be accepted)  
Poultry farmer
become the economical victim of  persisting animal diseases on their site, like high level of condemnations or like Salmonella java. Unless large efforts the problems have not yet been solved
►ChickenChain (No-cure-no-pay might be accepted)
Veterinary practices
Face persisting health problems. The cause might not be subject to their client, but somewhere else in the production chain.